2009년 3월 24일 화요일

sexual homicide

Korean Fetish - Distorted Sexual Fantasy

Do you know who the guy in this pic is? Yes. His name is Kang ho-sun, who has become really (in)famous for the reason that he killed 7 women!!! The reason why he killed those women(including his wife and her mother) was not because he wanted some money, but because he had a distorted 'sexual fantasy'. There are three things that we should look at; 1. All victims were raped. 2. All victims were strangled with stockings they were wearing. Experts say that Kang ho-sun is likely to have 'fetishism' about women's stockings.

3. The last thing that seems quite unique about him is that he also shows great obssession about 'incendiarism'. Since 1999, he has received a large insurance money for fire accidents, and of course, all these accidents were his own work. Experts agree that habitual incendiarism is a typical characteristics of serial killers. Most killers feel a type of erotic pleasure, seeing fire burning. It's kind of sexual orgasm that they feel.

Hwa-sung Serial Murder again?

Kang ho-sun's example shows typical features of those who are obssessed with adventural sex, and recently, crimes caused by this sexual obssession are increasing day by day. 'Hwa-sung serial murder' case, which is the most infamous crime ever in Korea, even though it was more than 15 years ago, can be exactly the same case with this. 1. Unknown killer killed 10 women after raping. 2. They were all strangled with their stockings and clothes. 3. Bodies that were found later were all damaged. For example, female victim's down there was stuffed with some fruits such as peaches, apples or something. The killer had not arrested, so the case is closed now.

Why this happen?

Similar sexual crimes are increasing every year, and today, most women feel so scared and afraid of going out at night. Then, why this cruel crime happen? In my opinion, it's because of Korean closedness about sexuality. It is our culture that doesn't allow people to express their sexual fantasy and desire in public. Those who face some difficulties of satisfying sexual desire, especially men, feel pressured and stressed. Those men who get low self-esteem and adversial feeling about women can not stand their sexual desire, and express it in some abnormal ways such as sexual crimes. This problem is becoming one of Korean social problems, and it's getting serious nowadays.